设计师带你读懂当代戏剧:Masurca Fogo
The Contemporary Performance through the Eyes of a Designer : "Masurca Fogo"
Designer's Note
《Masurca Fogo》
Masurco Fogo的创作始于1997年,在葡萄牙的里斯本旅居三周后完成,这是“世界城市”系列的其中一部,该系列的灵感来自不同城市地区的文化,从罗马到布达佩斯到洛杉矶再到里斯本。这与传统的城市记录不同,它是通过舞蹈的动作,去展露当地人的特色,例如行为,走路方式,手势和面部表情,以肢体语言表达当地人对欲望,信念,动机和情感形成的地域文化。
Masurco Fogo与皮娜较早和较黑暗的作品相比,一反常态,给人以欢脱、热情的观感。庆祝活动时的欢笑声,海滩上热舞的音乐声,香蕉、棕榈、火烈鸟和大海投影等独特的里斯本地域元素充斥着这部戏剧之中。
The creation process of Masurco Fogo began in 1997 and was completed in Lisbon, Portugal for three weeks. This is part of her "World Cities" series, which is inspired by the cultures of different urban areas, from Rome to Budapest to Los Angeles to Lisbon. This is different from traditional urban records. It uses dance movements to show the characteristics of the locals, such as behavior, walking style, gestures and facial expressions, and expresses the local people’s desire, belief, motivation and emotions through physical movements. Cultural Features.
Compared with Barusch's earlier and darker works, Masurco Fogo is uncharacteristically, giving people a feeling of joy and enthusiasm. The laughter during the celebrations, the sound of dancing music on the beach, and unique Lisbon regional elements such as bananas, palms, flamingos and projections of the sea filled this drama.
关于《Masurca Fogo》
About 《Masurca Fogo》
03-1 导演和编舞: 皮娜·鲍什
Direction and Choreography: Pina Bausch
皮娜·鲍什(Pina Bausch),1940年出生于Solingen,2009年在Wuppertal去世。她在Essen的Folkwang学校接受了Kurt Jooss的舞蹈训练,在这段时间中她习得了卓越的舞技。在Wuppertal剧院的导演阿诺·伍斯坦霍弗(Arno Wustenhofer)聘请她担任舞蹈指导后不久,她从1973年秋季开始将剧团更名为伍珀塔尔坦茨剧院(Tanztheater Wuppertal)。剧院的更名虽然一开始就引起争议,但逐渐获得了国际认可。它的诗性元素与日常元素的结合,对舞蹈的国际发展产生了决定性的影响。Pina Bausch被授予一些全球性最伟大的奖项和荣誉,是当今最重要的编舞家之一。
Pina Bausch was born 1940 in Solingen and died 2009 in Wuppertal. She received her dance training at the Folkwang School in Essen under Kurt Jooss, where she achieved technical excellence. Soon after the director of Wuppertal's theatres, Arno Wüstenhöfer, engaged her as choreographer, from autumn 1973, she renamed the ensemble the Tanztheater Wuppertal. Under this name, although controversial at the beginning, the company gradually achieved international recognition. Its combination of poetic and everyday elements influenced the international development of dance decisively. Awarded some of the greatest prizes and honours world-wide, Pina Bausch is one of the most significant choreographers of our time.
03- 2 创作背景
Creation Background
This work was created for the 1998 Maritime Expo in Lisbon. The theme of "Ocean" is chosen to commemorate Portugal's maritime history and great ocean discoverers, and the goal of exploring the "future heritage". After countless attempts to interpret the theme, Pina chose to express the ocean in the form of projection, while at the same time suggesting with an optimistic attitude that love and peace are important factors in the construction of future heritage.
03-3 场景布置
Scene Layout
海、沙滩、海象、棕榈树、都是关于海岛的独特元素,为了凸显作品的地域性与多元性,皮娜将这些元素搬上舞台,为Masurca Fogo的展示更添一大亮点。围合的空间,铺满的沙砾,人工搭建的沙滩,通过投影将海滩展示在观众的面前,热情氛围的营造将观众吸引到这个充满幻想的南方城市里斯本,一个充满歌舞和欢乐的地方。
The sea, beaches, walruses, palm trees are all unique elements about the island. In order to highlight the regionality and diversity of the works, Pina put these elements on the stage, adding a highlight to the display of Masurca Fogo. The enclosed space, covered with gravel, and artificially constructed beaches, the beach is shown in front of the audience through projection, and the atmosphere is created to attract the audience to the fantasy southern city of Lisbon, a place full of singing, dancing and joy.
The structured space, with the cooperation of projection, shows unlimited possibilities, changing with the beating of music, as if it is between the real and the virtual. The visual impact, the joyful dance steps, and the music of jazz blues became the audience's exclusive memory of Lisbon.
Unique drama language
Presenting the best visual effects with sexy and surrealism is the primary element that Pina considers in her creation and her unique dramatic language. Adhering to the goal of "finding a language for life", Pina's works are always full of emotions and arouse everyone's philosophy of exploring life.
A woman in a red balloon dress stands among a group of men; a live chicken pecks the remaining watermelon fragments in the center of the stage; moves the bathtub onto the stage to bathe, and lets the "walrus" dance on the stage and sing in the lift These unexpected elements were incorporated into the expression of drama by Pina, forming a dramatic language focused on her. While being bold and avant-garde give people a visual and imaginative impact, they use humorous body language to express the essence of life.
导演和编舞 / Direction and Choreography:
皮娜 鲍什 Pina Bausch
布景设计 / Set design
Peter Pabst
戏服 / Costumes
Marion Cito
音乐 / Music
Amália Rodrigues
联合演出 /Collaboration:
Ruth Amarante,
Pau Aran Gimeno,
Emma Barrowman
首次展演 / First performance:
1998年4月4日 伍珀塔尔剧院
04. Apr 1998 Schauspielhaus Wuppertal
演出时长 / Duration:
2h 30min, one intermission