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  • 建筑师眼中的理想图书馆:波士顿公共图书馆

    The Ideal Library in the Eyes of an Architect : Boston Public Library

    理想图书馆系列研究 10

    Ideal Library Series Research 10


    Recommender : Shen Mengcen



    A8 Design Center:What is the ideal design library? Can you recommend your ideal library to A8 Design Center? Where did this library impress you?

    Shen Mengcen:My ideal library has a strong academic atmosphere, a large collection of books, and a full range of subjects. It is a museum of books. The library building itself has a unique temperament, which is consistent with the cultural positioning of the library, either deep, elegant or concise and avant-garde. There must be a lot of space for people to read and study in the library to become a learning place that can be fully utilized by the public.

    推荐图书馆:波士顿公共图书馆(Boston Public Library)


    Recommended library : Boston Public Library

    The library I recommend is the Boston Public Library. The Boston Library has two parts: the old building and the new building. The old museum retains the original flavor of the old building: the stone facade, the classical courtyard, the vault of the tall reading area, and the ancient wooden furniture. Some of the newly built buildings have a light and warm style and soft materials. The most attractive feature of the Boston Public Library is the strong cultural atmosphere it retains for more than a hundred years. Readers are wrapped in a heavy history and a strong learning atmosphere, and have a quiet time of reading and thinking in the bustling center of Boston. At the same time, it keeps pace with the times, and the newly built part provides modern service facilities to make it convenient and comfortable for readers to use.



    A8 Design Center: Where is the competitiveness or core value of offline libraries in the Internet age?

    Shen Mengcen:In the Internet age, if offline libraries have advantages over online reading media, it should be: a) It can provide a better environment for people to read and learn. Spacious reading (self-study) area, bright light, comfortable seats, convenient facilities and consulting services. The study room in an individual's home may not be comprehensive in terms of facilities, but public libraries can provide comprehensive services. b) Offline libraries can provide a place for people to gather together to do something together, and people's contact with each other can generate public awareness and empathy. People can influence and urge each other in a space. The physical space atmosphere has a great influence on the individual, which is why people naturally quiet down when they walk into the library and work hard to read. c) Offline libraries can provide other public services besides reading, such as exhibitions, performances, and forums. Increasing the uniqueness of these services can attract the public to the library.

    关于 波士顿公共图书馆

    About Boston Public Library


    Basic Information




    Architect:Charles F. McKim

    Location:Boston ,United States


    Project Year:1888


    波士顿公共图书馆(Boston Public Library)是美国最大的城市公共图书馆,现有藏书超过一千五百万册,藏书量仅次美国国会图书馆和哈佛大学图书馆。现在的波士顿公共图书馆大楼是1888年开建,1895年建成并对公众开放的。同时,它是美国第一个公共支持的市立图书馆,最大的向公众开放的图书馆,和第一个允许普通市民借阅书籍和其他材料、并把它们带回家阅读和使用的图书馆。

    1972年,图书馆扩大了科普利广场的位置,由建筑师菲利普·约翰逊(Philip Johnson)设计,并与波士顿建筑师设计集团(Bostons Design Group)合作,满足了两个要求:维护McKim建筑物的现有屋顶线并使用;可以与现有建筑物的外观协调一致的材料(米尔福德花岗岩)。它被竖立在麦金(McKim)大楼附近,以允许顾客自由穿过大楼。约翰逊大厦占地十层。四个级别的公共服务,一个员工管理和游行楼层,四个用于研究馆藏的书架,以及一个由公用事业,维护和书架共享的楼层。竣工后,它包含45万本开放式货架上的书籍,扩大的儿童房和青少年收藏品,五万种外语物品,一个现代化的视听部门以及一个以捐助人西德尼·拉伯(Sidney Rabb)命名的374个座位的演讲厅。


    The Boston Public Library is the largest urban public library in the United States. It has a collection of more than 15 million books, second only to the Library of Congress and Harvard University Library. The current Boston Public Library building was opened in 1888 and completed in 1895 and open to the public. At the same time, it is the first publicly supported municipal library in the United States, the largest library open to the public, and the first library that allows ordinary citizens to borrow books and other materials and take them home to read and use. 

    In 1972, the library expanded its Copley Square location with the opening of an addition designed by architect Philip Johnson, with collaboration from the Architects Design Group of Boston, who observed two requests: to maintain the existing roof line of the McKim building and to use material (Milford granite) that would harmonize with the exterior of the existing building. It was erected adjacent to the McKim building in order to allow patrons to move freely through the buildings. The Johnson building occupies ten levels; four levels of public services, a staff administration and procession floor, four levels of book stacks for the research collection, and one level shared by utilities, maintenance, and stacks. Upon its completion, it contained 450,000 books on open shelves, an expanded children’s room and young adult collection, fifty-thousand foreign language items, a modern audiovisual department, and a 374-seat lecture hall named after benefactor Sidney Rabb.

    The Central Library today is comprised of the McKim and Johnson buildings, and, thanks to the addition, doubled to nearly one million square feet in size.



    The Design of the Library Facade


    麦金通过向波士顿和公共图书馆致敬的元素为波士顿公共图书馆量身定制了外观设计:屋顶上装饰着氧化的铜檐口,上面有贝壳和海豚的交替图案,是这座城市的航海史。雕刻家多明戈·莫拉(Domingo Mora)在窗拱之间创造了33个纪念章,分别代表书商和印刷商的标志。奥古斯都·圣高登(Augustus Saint-Gaudens)的三个雕塑印章装饰着达特茅斯街立面的中心,分别代表马萨诸塞州,图书馆和波士顿市。在这些下方,圣高登斯和莫拉在图书馆的座右铭:“全民免费”,其上方雕刻了智慧女神密涅瓦的头。

    贝拉·普拉特(Bela Pratt)的两个寓言雕像于1912年被安装,它们构成了图书馆的入口,分别代表科学(拿着地球仪)和艺术(拿着调色板和画笔)。

    In designing the building’s facade, Charles Follen McKim referenced the proportions of another notable library, the Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève (1850) in Paris.

    McKim tailored his exterior design to Boston Public Library by including elements that pay homage to the city and the institution. An oxidized copper cornice with a pattern of alternating seashells and dolphins adorns the roofline, referencing the city’s maritime history. Sculptor Domingo Mora created 33 medallions between the window arches, representing the emblems of booksellers and printers. Augustus Saint-Gaudens’ three sculptural seals, representing the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the library, and the City of Boston, adorn the center of the Dartmouth Street façade. Below these, Saint-Gaudens and Mora carved the head of Minerva, goddess of wisdom, above the library’s key motto: FREE TO ALL.

    Two allegorical statues by Bela Pratt were installed in 1912 and frame the entrance to the library, representing Science (holding a globe) and Art (holding a palette and brush).



    McKim Lobby

    麦金大厅(McKim Lobby)从佐治亚州大理石地板上镶嵌黄铜设计,到三个过道拱形天花板,一直延续到建筑物的中心。居住在波士顿北端的意大利移民工匠用马赛克覆盖着天花板,上面饰有罗马图案和三十位马萨诸塞州著名政治家的名字。

    西班牙建筑师拉斐尔·瓜斯塔维诺(Rafael Guastavino)制作了镶嵌式天花板覆盖的拱顶作品,他专门研究轻质、防火、自支撑且坚固的地中海风格的拱形天花板。瓜斯塔维诺(Guastavino)与查尔斯·佛伦·麦金(Charles Follen McKim)在中央图书馆的许多天花板上的合作代表了他的第一个主要美国委员会,这是该公司将继续在全国600多个建筑物中建造金库的起点。

    The McKim Lobby, from its Georgia marble floor inlaid with brass designs to its three aisles of vaulted ceilings, continues a grand procession into the heart of the building. The ceilings, clad in mosaic tile by Italian immigrant craftsmen living in Boston’s North End, bear Roman motifs and the names of thirty famous Massachusetts statesmen.

    The mosaic ceiling tiles clad vault work by Rafael Guastavino, a Spanish builder who specialized in Mediterranean-style ceramic tile-vaulted ceilings that were lightweight, fireproof, self-supporting, and strong. Guastavino’s collaboration with Charles Follen McKim throughout a number of ceilings in the Central Library represented his first major American commission, the starting point for a company that would go on to construct vaults in over 600 buildings throughout the country.



    Courtyard Design

    大楼中央设计了一个雕塑庭苑,四周是文艺复兴时期的寺院拱廊造型。朝广场的一面,查尔斯·佛罗伦·麦金(Charles Follen McKim)按照16世纪罗马Palazzo della Cancelleria的外观设计了中央图书馆的庭院,看起来宏伟气派。其覆盖的拱廊环绕着一个开阔的广场,广场上摆放着白色大理石和低矮的绿色植物,其中心是一个游泳池和喷泉。

    院子的主题可以说是弗雷德里克·麦克蒙妮斯(Frederick MacMonnies)创作的巴克尚特(Bacchante)和婴儿福恩(Faun Faun)的青铜雕像,由麦金亲自赠予图书馆。当1896年,巴卡尚特揭幕时,波士顿人们面对她左手抱婴儿的形态感到愤怒,人们疯狂的对着雕塑呐喊、吼叫,并用舞蹈去表达自己的情绪,社区大声疾呼要求将其遣送出去。1897年,麦金将他的礼物转移到纽约大都会艺术博物馆。

    A sculpture courtyard is designed in the center of the building, surrounded by a Renaissance temple arcade. On the side facing the square, Charles Follen McKim designed the courtyard of the central library according to the appearance of the Palazzo della Cancelleria in Rome in the 16th century, which looks magnificent. Its covered arcade surrounds an open square with white marble and low green plants, and its center is a swimming pool and fountain.

    The theme of the courtyard can be said to be the bronze statues of Bacchante and Faun Faun created by Frederick MacMonnies, gifted to the library by McKin himself. When Bakashante was unveiled in 1896, the people of Boston were crazy: They were angry at her drinking, dancing, and especially her act of hugging the baby with her left arm. The community clamored for his deportation. In 1897, McKim transferred his gift to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.



    About the Recommender




