设计师为A8推荐的8本书VOL09——Penda China
8 Books Recommended for A8 VOL 09: Penda China
Penda China槃达中国建筑事务所:
Penda China /槃达中国建筑事务所成立于2013年,项目覆盖中国大陆、港澳台及海外地区,项目类型包含规划、建筑、室内、景观和艺术装置等不同类型,业态涵盖文化、居住、酒店、办公、交通、商业、展览等多种功能。团队由来自世界各地的专业优秀设计人才组成。
办公室位于北京的中心地带,紧邻故宫和中国美术馆。在深厚的传统文化和当代艺术观念碰撞下,事务所创作了众多具有实验性和引领性的作品。对于绿色设计的研究与实践,使事务所受到国内外业界的广泛关注,频频出现在国内外的领奖台和主流专业媒体上。2016年事务所荣获美国Architizer+ Awards奖国际年度新锐设计事务所奖,《北京青年报》发表“建筑界奥斯卡奖出炉,中国建筑师问鼎国际巅峰”报道。2015年、2017年和2019年三次入选AD100最有影响力的中国设计师榜。
Concept designer of corridor bridge of LUXELAKES A8 Block.
Penda China Architecture was founded in 2013. Penda China manages projects widely distributed across the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and several countries overseas. Projects often involve planning, architecture, interior design, landscaping, and artistic installations for cultural, residential, hotel, office, traffic, commercial, exhibition functions, and more.
Consisting of design talent from around the world, the Penda China team is based in central Beijing within close proximity to the Palace Museum and National Art Museum of China. Inspired by the collision of profound traditional culture and contemporary artistic concept, it has created many experimental and groundbreaking works. Focused on green design research and practices, it has received attention from the broader industry, both at home and abroad, accompanied by numerous national and international awards alongside frequent mainstream media coverage. In 2016, Penda was awarded Architizer A + Awards of Emerging Firm of the Year. The news was covered in a report, “Chinese Architect Makes Reputation by the Recently-released Architizer A + Awards” published by the Beijing Youth Daily. Penda was included twice into AD100’s list of Most Influential Chinese Architects in 2015、2017 and 2019 respectively.
Recommender:Sun Dayong
Penda China建筑事务所创始人及主创建筑师,坚持生态绿色设计理念,以仿生设计为研究方向获得中央美术学院优秀毕业设计一等奖。提出“少即是爱”的观点。作品受到国际媒体广泛报道,代表作品鸿坤美术馆被Time out杂志评为北京最值得关注十家美术馆之一。同时获得多项国际奖项,2016年被美国Architizer A+ Awards评为“年度最佳新锐建筑事务所”, 2015、2017和2019年三次入选AD100最有影响力的中国设计师榜单。2018年作为国际竞赛Evolo中国评委。2018年作为十人中最年轻的建筑师受邀参加首届中国探索家——未来生活大展。
Dayong is the founder and principal architect at Penda China, adhering to the ethos of eco-design and putting forward the concept of “less is love”, his work has been widely recognized by the local and international media. Representative projects include the Hongkun Art Museum - named one of the ten most respected museums in Beijing by Time Out magazine. He has also won several international awards including “Emerging Architect of 2016” by Architizer A+ Awards in the United States. In 2015、2017 and 2019, he was selected as one of the most influential Chinese designers by AD100, he also acted as the China judge in the international competition Evolo in 2018. As the youngest of the ten architects, he was invited to participate in the China house vision exhibition.
Recommender:Wan Shuyan
Penda China建筑事务所合伙人,中国建筑学专业教师。团队的领导核心,对建筑学的深度理解,使事务所的运营发展在多元化的同时不偏离建筑的核心要素。同时其丰富的团队管理和市场传播经验,使品牌价值迅速提升,对事务所的成熟与发展起到重要作用。其参与的启皓艺舍、佛罗伦萨(大连)艺术中心、MINI Living和水仙连锁等项目受到媒体广泛传播报道,得到社会一致好评。其专业的态度和对中国市场的了解是品牌发展不可或缺的一部分。
As a partner and of Penda China, a teacher of Chinese architecture, and the core leadership of the team, Wan Shuyan has been keeping Penda China on the track of core architectural elements during its diversified development with her in-depth understanding of architecture. Her rich team management and marketing experience has greatly enhanced brand value and significantly boosted Penda China’s growth and development. Her projects such as Genesis Art Community, Florence (Dalian) Culture & Art Exchange Center, MINI Living and Narcisse beauty chain triggered wide media coverage and positive response from the society. Her professional attitude and correct understanding of the Chinese market also constitute a vital part of Penda’s brand development.
在当今建筑学领域,伦佐·皮亚诺、让·努维尔、理卡多·雷可瑞塔、弗兰克·盖里,贝聿铭,多米尼克·佩罗的大名可谓无人不知, 大家对他们的建筑作品也都耳熟能详, 但是他们作为一位建筑师的成长道路却鲜有人知。1998年,时任东京大学教授的日本著名建筑师安藤忠雄邀请了当今世界上这六位炙手可热的建筑大师到东京大学和师生们进行面对面的交流,畅谈他们年轻时的求学生涯和从业经历,《建筑师的20岁》这本书即是当时的访谈内容记录。
Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel, Ricardo Lecretta, Frank Gehry, I.M. Pei, And Dominique Perot are all well known in today's architecture world, but their paths as architects are less well known. Then, a professor at the university of Tokyo in 1998, the famous Japanese architect tadao ando has invited the six hot building great master in the world today to Tokyo university and the teachers and students communicate face to face, talk about their academic careers and experience as a young, is the book "the architect's 20 years old at the time of the interview record content.
These interviews are lively and relaxed, providing details that would be difficult to cover in a picture book or book. Among them, there are persistence, hardship, and even the joy of success, which reveals the unique and distinct personality of the masters, the strength of their frank and sincere personality, and their persistent love for architectural design. The Publication of the Chinese edition caught the attention of a half-dozen architects, who added some light to the book by providing photos that had not been published in the Japanese edition.
Reason for Recommendation
In 1998, a professor at the university of Tokyo's famous Japanese architect tadao ando has invited the six hot building great master in the world today to Tokyo university and the teachers and students communicate face to face, talk about their academic careers and experience as a young, is the book "World Architects in Their Twenties" at the time of the interview record content.
When we're in our 20s, we're a little overwhelmed by the unknowns and possibilities. Especially for architects, a relatively late career, how to spend a long life from the 20s to the 60s? How do we prepare for the future in our hearts? How can we retain the persistence and love of architecture in our hearts? The Architect's Twenty opens up to us the experiences of many well-known architects: Renzo Piano, Jean Nouvel, Frank Gehry, I.M. Pei... When they were young, some of them worked as truck drivers, boxers, real estate companies, and factories owned by their father. With the ups and downs of The Times and the ups and downs of life, each of them persisted in the exploration of architecture, looking for their own building road. Finally, we see that no one's path is the same, and everyone should learn, accumulate and explore his or her own architectural path in his or her own time. I believe this book can give many young people who love architecture more confidence.
Vers Une Architecture
Le Corbusier
Le Corbusier put forward many innovative and unique views in architectural theory, criticized the classical attention school which could not see the inevitable trend of industrial development and architectural development, and had a great influence on the formation and development of modern architecture in the world. In this book, it is proposed that architecture must follow the road of mass production and industrialization, and oppose the classicism of false decoration. Advocate design to have integral idea and so on.
Reason for Recommendation
"Towards New Architecture" is the greatest architectural manifesto of the 20th century and one of the longest-lasting and most influential books in the field of architecture in the last century. The author le Corbusier is undoubtedly the greatest architect of the last century. His works have become a necessary reference book in the hands of almost every architect, and it is never disappointing to turn to Le Corbusier's collection when faced with intricate architectural projects. However, in the face of Le Corbusier's colorful architectural works and drawings, it would be very clumsy to simply imitate. To understand the ideas behind the great works, "Towards A New Building" is the key to the black box of creativity. Although its articles are short, its words are brilliant and worth pondering, and each time you read it, you will find something different. Young architects who want to step into the door of modern architecture can start by reading this book.
Modern Architecture:A Critical History
Kenneth Frampton
在这个广受好评的现代建筑和它的起源的调研首次出现在1980年,并且现在已经成为一个经典。在第四版中,Kenneth Frampton增加了一个主要的新部分,探讨近年来全球化对建筑的影响,并考察国际知名建筑师在世界各地日益活跃的现象。书目已更新和扩大,使这一卷比以往更完整和必不可少。
This acclaimed survey of modern architecture and its origins has become a classic since it first appeared in 1980. For the fourth edition Kenneth Frampton has added a major new section that explores the effects of globalization on architecture in recent years and examines the phenomenon of international celebrity architects who are increasingly active all over the world. The bibliography has been updated and expanded, making this volume more complete and indispensable than ever.
Reason for Recommendation
Modernism began in the early 20th century and lasted for nearly 100 years, and the urban landscape we see today can be largely attributed to it. Despite of the four famous modern socialist master corbusier, gro skin uz, missy, Wright well-known, but the vigorous movement is not only can sum up four, and their minds are not from the sky, used to influence their teachers, colleagues, partners and competitors are precious wealth of the campaign, if you want to know the story behind, can open "Modern Architecture: A Critical History" read this book, which can completely as an architect gossip unofficial history to read. He can help us skip the beautiful architectural photos and see a richer picture of the life of an architect.
Complexity And Contradiction In Architecture
Robert Venturi
This book elaborates concretely that architecture has the insufficiency. The author believes that excellent architectural works are necessarily contradictory and complex, rather than either pure or simple. Abundance of meaning is better than simplicity, or even clutter and vitality than obvious unity. Missy famously said, "Less is more," but Venturi said, "More is not less."
Reason for Recommendation
If choose a book compare to “Vers Une Architecture” of architectural theory books, I think it must be “Complexity and Contradiction of Architecture”, the spread of modern architecture in the bolsheviks and idealism in the early 20th century, indeed, with its great communist ideal gained a big following in the worldwide, but the western capitalist system without getting rid of the influence of the business. The realistic social conditions and commercial demands made architects in the 50s and 60s struggle between the ideal and the reality. When the international style of modernism prevailed for half a century and came to the end of its life, “Contradiction and Complexity of Architecture” pointed out a new direction for the confused young generation of architects. It accepted the complexity and diversity of reality, and architecture was no longer a single revolutionary ideal, but a method and means to solve practical problems. Such a belief seems to have become the profession of architects today, and to deny it is to be accused of being unrealistic.
Design With Nature
Ian Lennox McHarg
本书通过许多实例, 详细介绍了以生态原理进行规划操作和分析的方法的具体应用, 对城市, 乡村, 海洋, 陆地, 植被等问题均以生态原理加以研究, 并指出正确利用的途径。
Through many examples, this book introduces in detail the specific application of the method of planning operation and analysis based on ecological principles. The problems of city, village, ocean, land and vegetation are all studied based on ecological principles, and points out the correct ways to use them.
With abundant materials and penetrating judgments, the author expounds the inseparable dependence relationship between man and the natural environment, the law of the evolution of nature and the deepening of human understanding. The author puts forward a method of planning operation and analysis based on ecological principle, which makes theory and practice closely combined. Through many examples, the book introduces the specific application of this method in detail, the city, the countryside, the sea, land, vegetation, climate and other issues are studied with ecological principles, and points out the correct way to use.
Reason for Recommendation
"When modern industries home dog haven't learn how to clean up their own feces, our environment has been it not like the wasted", despite the fact that the business is architects could not avoid questions, after all, business is the party a's dad today, but the architect profession existence in one thousand, has its unique mission, that is to create a healthy living environment for human beings. The idea that we can't just focus on our immediate interests and ignore the implications for the future would be ridiculed today, and you can imagine how society reacted when the idea was first proposed in the 1970s. But today we look at the environment around us, especially the impact of the non-coVID-19 pandemic on the world. Global warming has led to extreme weather events and the extinction of many species that we hear and see every day in the news. If we don't change our values and view of design in time, we really don't know how far design can go in the future. How far can humans go? If you want to make a change, Design with Nature is sure to touch your heart.
Logieren's Architecture
Marc-Antoine Laugier
洛吉耶在寻求建筑学的理性源泉方面比佩罗走得更远。他的终极原型既不是哥特式构架,也不是希腊柱式,这一终极原型是从维特鲁威提出的一个历史虚构中演绎出来的:最早的建筑是一个原始棚屋的概念,这是一个比4棵树和一个简单的横梁式结构多不出什么来的架构,那几棵直立的树,支撑了一个开敞的由原木和树枝组成的过梁和斜屋顶的上部结构。维特鲁威和他文艺复兴的追随者们一直仅仅看做是建筑之胚胎的最初阶段的东西,洛吉耶现在却将其作为一种绝对的理想。他的原始棚屋的理想与洛克(Locke)的无字白板(tabula rasa)和卢梭(Rousseau)的高贵的野蛮一样引人注目。
洛吉耶否认建筑学中的绝对法则,唾弃迂腐的学术趣味,主张最好的形式应该根植于功能或结构的需求。这种所谓的“理性主义”教条在19、20世纪以各种面目反复出现。它构成了让-尼古拉-路易·迪朗( Jean Nicolas Louis Durand)在19世纪初提出的物质主义建筑体系的基础,后来又在训练有素的工程师那里被发扬光大。
Logier went further than Perot in seeking the rational source of architecture. His ultimate prototype is neither gothic architecture, nor Greek column, the ultimate prototype from vitruvius proposed a historical fiction deductive: the concept of the original building was a primitive huts, this is a more than 4 trees and more than a simple beam structure is not what the architecture, a few tree upright, supported by an open consists of logs and branches of the lintel and inclined housetop of upper structure. Vitruvius and his Followers of the Renaissance had been regarded only as the initial stage of the embryo of architecture, but Logier now regarded it as an absolute ideal. The idealism of his primitive hut stands out as much as Locke's Tabula Rasa and Rousseau's noble savagery.
Logier denied the absolute laws of architecture, spurned pedantic academic tastes, and argued that the best form should be rooted in the needs of function or structure. This so-called "rationalist" doctrine recurred in various forms in the 19th and 20th centuries. It formed the basis of the materialistic architectural system proposed by Jean Nicolas Louis Durand in the early 19th century and later developed by trained engineers.
Reason for Recommendation
Architecture is the study of nature. Although today's architecture has to solve many complex problems, its essence cannot be separated from logier's definition of "primitive cottage", which consists of the basic elements of pillars, lintels, mountain flowers... With these core elements, a building can conjure up infinity. Corbusier's famous domino system is actually a variation of the original house, so what will the future buildings look like? It is better to open the book "Logier on Architecture" first, so that you can go back to the origin and reconsider.
William MYERS
Designers and artists have always looked to nature for inspiration and materials, but only recently have they been able to alter and incorporate living organisms in their work. In a world with finite resources and a growing population, design that mimics or appropriates the sustainable template of nature is likely to prove as vital as it is novel. Bio Design examines some seventy projects (concepts, prototypes and completed designs) that cover the fields of architecture, industrial processes, education, fine art, material engineering and bioengineering. Each project is illustrated by a short text, images and captions that combine to explain the problems the venture tackles, and how living materials and processes were harnessed to solve them in sustainable and aesthetically pleasing ways. Many of the solutions also provoke thought about manipulating life for human ends. From bacteria that can spin microfibrils of pure cellulose for use in the clothing industry to pigeons that fed special bacteria excrete harmless detergent instead of faeces, and from lamps that require blood to function to genetically hacked plants with human DNA biological design is science future here and now.
Reason for Recommendation
Designers and artists are always looking for inspiration and materials from nature and incorporating them into their designs. Aimed at professionals, students and teachers in creative industries such as design, art, fashion, technology, biology and architecture, the book collects about 70 projects, each with words and pictures illustrating how to solve living materials and processes in a sustainable and enjoyable way. To inspire and inspire designers to explore a future that is closer than we can imagine.
《超级工作室1966-1978 没有建筑的传奇团体》
Superstudio Opere 1966-1978
Gabriele Mastrigli
Gabriele Mastrigli weaving “superstudio Opere 1966-1978" is the first time in a comprehensive introduction and comb building in the world Chinese literature and its design concept of books, at the same time, accompanied by a large number of scarce images as an example, is building schools, design institutes, art college students and building design practitioners indispensable collection of books, is necessary study. The content involves home design, architectural design, urban planning, old city renovation, science fiction architecture, appliance renovation, design concept description and letters of members of the super building. This is a collection of inspirations for architectural design. Super Architecture has put forward a large number of architectural design concepts, which is known as "avant-garde museum of architectural Art on paper". As a representative of conceptual architecture, they put forward many bold ideas and inspired generation after generation of avant-garde designers.
Reason for Recommendation
In the 1960s, the Italian economy went from a peak to a trough, miraculously turning into a bubble, but the wave of consumerism did not subside. On the contrary, people became increasingly anxious about things. In 1966, Superstudio was founded. It is an architectural group that has existed for more than a decade but has hardly ever actually built a house. The group not only exhibited in many famous art galleries, but also used the entire world as a workspace and experimental base, with neural connections to outer space, capitalism as enemy Number one, and the threat of destroying all modern urban architecture. They conceived of the earliest online worlds and developed an "anti-architecture" style: thought-provoking dystopian visions in psychedelic renderings, collages and films. Their design philosophy deeply influenced architects such as Rem Koolhaas and Bernard Tschomi, and became a myth in the history of architectural design after world War II. Shanghai museum of contemporary art (PSA) held in 2017, the group in Asia for the first time a large retrospective "super studio 50 years", at the same time, invite senior translator NiAnYu Italian building is a famous scholar, Taiwan Xu Mingsong teacher translation, such as joint Mr Young academic groups spilt, cultural books and brand bhide, southwest normal university publishing house launched the book. The book is a vivid collection of more than a decade of representative writing and graphic literature from super Studio, a holy book of inspiration for architecture, design and art.